Nodiadau Dyddiadur / Diary Markers

Helo na!

Rhwydwaith Menywod mewn Cynaliadwyedd yng Nghaerdydd a Chymru


Nodiadau Dyddiadur

Dydd Mercher 26 Hydref 12.30-1.30pm – y Women in Sustainability Network (WINS) yng Nghymru yn rhwydweithio ar-lein:

Dewch â phaned o goffi am sgwrs.  Mae pynciau’r mis hwn yn cynnwys – Wythnos Amgylchedd Mislif 2022- beth allwn ni ei wneud ynglŷn â chywilydd misglwyf.


Dydd Mercher 16 Tachwedd 2022 9.30am-11am – Tynnu’r mwgwd: Sut allwn ni weithio gyda Syndrom Ffugiwr?

Gyda Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn eu pencadlys ym Mhontypridd

Pam mae hyd at 82% o bobl yn teimlo eu bod yn rhywun dieithr, a pham mae menywod yn fwy tebygol o gael eu heffeithio?  Ai ein problem ni yw hwn neu ai problem yr amgylchedd yr ydym yn gweithio ynddo ydyw? A yw’n bodoli mewn gwirionedd?

Dewch i swyddfeydd newydd gwych Trafnidiaeth Cymru ym Mhontypridd – wedi’u hadnewyddu gan ddefnyddio egwyddorion economi gylchol, i glywed gan bobl am syndrom ffugiwr a sut y gallwn weithio gydag ef.


 Dydd Mercher 14 Rhagfyr 12.30-1.30pm – Women in Sustainability Network (WINS) yng Nghymru yn rhwydweithio ar-lein:

Dewch â phaned o goffi am sgwrs.  Mae pynciau’r mis hwn yn cynnwys: y Nodau Datblygu Mewnol- a Chwis Nadolig Cymreig!


Dydd Mawrth 24 Ionawr 2023 9.30am-11am – Sut gallwn ni fod yn gynghreiriaid da?

Ffocws ar groestoriadedd, cynhwysiant a chynaliadwyedd. Cynhelir gan Arup yn eu swyddfeydd ym Mae Caerdydd


Hi there!

Women In Sustainability Network in Cardiff and Wales

Diary Markers

Wednesday 26th October 12.30-1.30pm Women in Sustainability Network (WINS) in Wales online networking:

Bring a coffi and come for the conversation.  Topics this month include – Environmentstrual Week 2022- what can we do about period shame.


Wednesday 16 November 2022 9.30am-11am – Removing the mask: How can we work with Imposter Syndrome?

With Transport for Wales at their headquarters in Pontypridd


Why do up to 82% of people feel like they are an imposter, and why are women more likely to be affected?  Is it our problem or that of environment we work in? Does it really exist?

Come to the wonderful new offices of Transport for Wales in Pontypridd- refitted using circular economy principles, to hear from people about imposter syndrome and how we can work with it.


Wednesday 14th December 12.30-1.30pm – Women in Sustainability Network (WINS) in Wales online networking:

Bring a coffi and come for the conversation.  Topics this month include: the Inner Development Goals– and a Welsh Christmas Quiz!


Tuesday 24th January 2023 9.30am-11am – How we can be good allies? A focus on intersectionality, inclusion and sustainability.

Hosted by Arup at their offices in Cardiff Bay


Wednesday 22nd February 2023 12.30-1.30pm – Women in Sustainability Network (WINS) in Wales online networking:

Bring a coffi and come for the conversation.


March 2023 (date tbc) – Grasping the nettle: How we can align our work and wellbeing with nature and the seasons



Hub Lead

Tanya Nash, MSc

Tanya is a Welsh-based professional sustainability coach and facilitator, with nearly 30-years’ experience working with leaders in public and community service.

She has a deep, applied understanding of the political and social context for the well-being of future generations and sustainable development in Wales.

Tanya’s work in the equality sector reinforced her belief and passion to incorporate feminine and nature-based approaches in leadership and organisational development, as the foundation for tackling social and ecological injustice.

Now established as a free-lance coach and consultant, Tanya helps people embed sustainability as the central organising principle for themselves and their organisations. She helps people navigate the complex socio-ecological issues that can seem so overwhelming, supporting change towards a more sustainable future.

In her free time, Tanya is an enthusiastic supporter of local community energy companies and community-based agriculture schemes based in Swansea and Gower.  She can often be found running after conservation-grazing cows on to improve biodiversity on the Gower commons, or swimming in the sea.