Webinar: Wrap Up 2019!

Guilty of never taking time to reflect on what’s really going on in your life and how you’d like that to be?

Constantly bouncing from one thing to another with little attention to where you’re going?

Conscious we’re about to head into a whole new decade, with the opportunity that brings to start afresh – but with little idea of what you want or how to get there?

Me too!

Which is why I just ran a webinar to help our fabulous ‘women in sustainability’ community reflect back on the past year using a mix of visualisation and deep questioning, designed to help you get clear about what worked this past year and what has not.

So if you’d like to unpack, and then understand, what 2019 was all about for you; if you’d then like to step into 2020 with a heighten sense of who you are and an enhanced sense of purpose and direction, then watch the recording of the webinar here.

But before you do, make sure you;

  • Set aside an hour so you can be fully present with the training;
  • Manage any distractions – switch off the phone and close the door!
  • Have a notebook/ paper and pen to hand – you’ll want to write, doodle and draw!

This 60 minute training will help you unlock what you need to learn from 2019, setting you up to access more clarity, focus and motivation for the year ahead.

Click here to watch the recording